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Using the history in Algebraic mode
Here is a way to use the history (stack) to copy a variable from one directory
to another with the calculator set to the Algebraic mode. Suppose that we are
within the sub-directory {HOME MANS INTRO}, and want to copy the
contents of variable
to sub-directory {HOME MANS}. Use the following
This simply stores the contents of
itself (no change effected on
). Next, use
to move to the
{HOME MANS} sub-directory. The calculator screen will look like this:
Next, use the delete key three times, to remove the last three lines in the
ƒ ƒ ƒ
. At this point, the stack is ready to execute the
command ANS(1)
z1. Press
to execute this command. Then, use
, to verify the contents of the variable.
Using the stack in RPN mode
To demonstrate the use of the stack in RPN mode to copy a variable from one
sub-directory to another, we assume you are within sub-directory {HOME
MANS INTRO}, and that we will copy the contents of variable
into the
HOME directory. Use the following procedure:
This procedure lists the contents and the name of the variable in the stack.
The calculator screen will look like this:
Now, use
to move to the HOME directory, and press
to complete the operation. Use
, to verify the contents of the variable.
Copying two or more variables using the stack in Algebraic mode
The following is an exercise to demonstrate how to copy two or more
variables using the stack when the calculator is in Algebraic mode. Suppose,
once more, that we are within sub-directory {HOME MANS INTRO} and that
we want to copy the variables
into sub-directory {HOME MANS}.
The keystrokes necessary to complete this operation are shown following:
@@ @R@@