Page 10-8
Function TRN
Function TRN is used to produce the transconjugate of a matrix, i.e., the
transpose (TRAN) followed by its complex conjugate (CONJ). For example,
the following screen shot shows the original matrix in variable A and its
transpose, shown in small font display (see Chapter 1):
If the argument is a real matrix, TRN simply produces the transpose of the real
matrix. Try, for example, TRN(A), and compare it with TRAN(A).
In RPN mode, the transconjugate of matrix
is calculated by using
: The calculator also includes Function TRAN in the
For example, in ALG mode:
Function CON
The function takes as argument a list of two elements, corresponding to the
number of row and columns of the matrix to be generated, and a constant