SRM Console Power-Up Display
At the completion of SROM power-up, the CPU transfers control to the SRM console,
described in Section 2.3. The SRM console (a command-line interface) continues the
system initialization. Failures are reported to the console terminal through the power-
up screen and a console event log.
The explanation for the following example appears after the example.
Example 2–2 SRM Power-Up Display
OpenVMS PALcode V1.96-40, Tru64 UNIX PALcode V1.90-31
starting console on CPU 0
initialized idle PCB
initializing semaphores
initializing heap
initial heap 240c0
memory low limit = 218000 heap = 240c0, 17fc0
initializing driver structures
initializing idle process PID
initializing file system
initializing timer data structures
lowering IPL
CPU 0 speed is 1000 MHz
create dead_eater
create poll
create timer
create powerup
access NVRAM
1536 MB of System Memory
Testing Memory
probe I/O subsystem
entering idle loop
starting drivers
create powerup
initializing GCT/FRU at 23e000
Initializing ega dqa dqb eia pka pkb
Operating the System