is a one- or two-digit day of the month, such as 1, 02, 15, or 31.
is the first three letters of the month name, such as JAN, FEB, JUN, JUL, DEC.
is a four-digit year, such as 1986, 1991.
is a one-digit or two-digit number, such as 0 for midnight, 1 for 1 a.m., 22 for 10 p.m.
is a two-digit number, such as 00 for the hour, 20 for twenty minutes after the hour, and 55
for fifty-five minutes after the hour.
The PARTIAL option cannot be used in a BACKUP command in a DP1/DP2 file conversion.
Whenever the PARTIAL option is used, some modified partitions are likely backed up while
unmodified partitions of the same file are not. Read the listing to see which partitions were
backed up to tape and carefully RESTORE the ones you want with PARTONLY ON.
The PARTIAL option copies to tape all SQL tables and indexes, regardless of their modification
times. This can affect the backup time and number of tape reels required.
Only the files that have been modified since the date/time specified in your command are
backed up; however, BACKUP uses the last CREATIONTIME values for files as the qualifier.
You can have a file with a more recent CREATIONTIME than MODTIME (for example, FUP
DUP A, B, SOURCEDATE). In this example, file B retains the last MODTIME value from file A,
but it also has a new CREATIONTIME. A partial backup that targets file B would have to
precede its MODTIME (not its CREATIONTIME).
The PARTIAL option copies to tape the file label for each file that is not backed up. That is, in
addition to the files modified since the
, a partial backup tape contains
file label information for files that have not been modified.
Use the WHERE MODTIME and CREATION-TIME qualifiers instead of the PARTIAL option to
create a tape that contains only the files created or modified after a specific date. For syntax
instructions, see
File-Set List Qualifiers (page 43)
. Using these qualifiers can decrease the
backup time and number of tape reels required for a partial backup.
Use the RESTORE REBUILD option to restore a file set that was backed up using the PARTIAL
option. For more information, see
Chapter 7: RESTORE
. A file set that was backed up using
the WHERE MODTIME qualifier cannot be restored with the REBUILD option.
Restore the last partial tape set before you try to restore a file set that was backed up using
the WHERE MODTIME qualifier. Then restore the previous tape set using the KEEP option.
Continue restoring tape sets using the KEEP option until the last full backup tape set is restored.
Using the PARTIAL and CATALOGFILES options together causes an entry to be made for each
file label that is backed up to tape in the DSM/TC database. This makes the DSM/TC database
too large and prevents entries to the database from being recovered automatically. Use the
WHERE MODTIME or CREATION-TIME qualifiers if the CATALOGFILES option is used to
prevent overcrowding in the DSM/TC database.
To selectively back up all of the files in all of the subvolumes on the volume $STORE1 that were
modified since 3 a.m. on August 24, 2001: