signature library:
A set of IDS signatures. Sygate provides a library of known signatures in
the System Library, which can be kept up-to-date by downloading the latest version
from the Sygate Technologies web site to your Sygate Management Server.
Administrators can also specify new attack signatures of their own choosing in
custom libraries. See also System Library.
silent mode:
The ability to hide the Sygate Security Agent user interface from the end user.
simple rule:
A type of firewall rule that enables a system administrator to create security
rules without having to define priorities, severities, triggers, and events. Examples of
simple rules could be a rule that allows trusted applications, a rule that allows hosts, a
rule that allows VPNs, etc. Simple rules have a default priority of 10, where 0 is the
highest and 15 is the lowest priority. The names of simple rules begin with “Srg”. See
also Advanced Rule.
Smart DHCP:
Allows a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client to receive an
IP address from a DHCP server while protecting the client against DHCP attacks
from a network. If a Sygate Security Agent sends a DHCP request to a DHCP
server, it waits for five seconds to allow for an incoming DHCP response. If a Sygate
Security Agent does not send a DHCP request to a DHCP server, then Smart DHCP
does not allow the packet. Smart DHCP does not block packets. It simply allows the
packet if a DHCP request was made. Any other DHCP blocking or allowing is done
by the normal security rule set. See also Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Smart DNS:
Allows a Domain Name System (DNS) client to resolve a domain name from
a DNS server while providing protection against DNS attacks from the network.
This option blocks all Domain Name System (DNS) traffic except outgoing DNS
requests and the corresponding reply. If a client computer sends a DNS request and
another computer responds within five seconds, the communication is allowed. All
other DNS packets are dropped. Smart DNS does not block any packets; blocking is
done by the normal security rule set.
Smart WINS:
Allows Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) requests only if they have
been requested. If the traffic is not requested, the WINS reply is blocked.
The process of actively capturing datagram and packet information from a selected
network. Sniffing acquires all network traffic regardless of where the packets are
source IP address:
The IP address from which the traffic originated. See also IP address.
source port:
The port number on which the traffic originated. See also port.