Cleaning
Procedures
The
Cleaning
Kit
full
cleaning
kit
contains
the
following
items:
Isopropyl
alcohol
This
is
usually
available
from
pharmaceutical
suppliers
or
chemists
.
If
possible
,
use
alcohol
supplied
for
medical
purposes
,
rather
than
impure
alcohol
or
alcohol
with
additives
.
Caution
Do
not
use
other
solvents
as
some
can
damage
plastic
materials
and
claddings
.
or
example
,
cetone
dissolves
the
adhesives
used
in
ber
optic
devices
.
arning
Never
drink
this
alcohol
as
this
can
lead
to
blindness
or
other
serious
damage
to
your
health.
Cotton-swabs
Use
swabs
such
as
Q-tips
or
other
cotton-swabs
.
These
are
typically
available
from
local
distributors
of
medical
or
hygiene
products
(such
as
supermarkets
or
pharmacies).
Note
If
you
are
cleaning
connector
interfaces
or
adapters
,
the
diameter
of
the
cotton
swab
is
important.
Cotton
swabs
for
babies
normally
have
a
smaller
diameter
.
Caution
Do
not
use
foam
swabs
,
as
these
can
leave
lmy
deposits
on
the
surface
you
are
cleaning.
Store
your
cotton-swabs
carefully
and
never
reuse
them.
Dust
and
dirt
from
the
air
or
from
previous
cleaning,
can
scratch
or
dirty
your
optical
device
.
Soft-tissues
These
are
available
from
most
stores
and
distributors
of
medical
and
hygiene
products
(such
as
supermarkets
or
pharmacies).
Use
multi-layer
tissues
made
from
non-recycled
cellulose
.
These
are
more
absorbent
and
softer
than
other
types
and
they
do
not
scratch
the
surface
of
your
device
.
Caution
Store
your
soft-tissues
carefully
and
never
reuse
them,
as
dust
and
dirt
from
the
air
or
from
previous
cleaning
can
scratch
and
dirty
your
optical
device
.
Cleaning
Procedures
E-1