HP iPAQ success story
Colours by the Bay – The Esplanade, Singapore
The challenge
- Implementation of an intelligent ordering system
that allows cross-ordering of menu items from seven
different restaurants
The solution
- HP iPAQ Pocket PC h3850
- Wireless 802.11b connection with multiple fixed
terminal stations
The results
- Customer satisfaction; with the HP iPAQ wireless
system customers enjoy greater product availability
and faster delivery
- Cost savings; 30% reduction in manpower costs due
to a significant increase in productivity among staff
When you have three young children who all want to eat something
different, a simple family lunch can turn into complete chaos. It was this
small customer insight that led Andrew Tan, a local entrepreneur, to
develop a new restaurant concept that would satisfy individual palates
– seven restaurants housed within a 26,000 sq ft area where customers
can choose from a variety of Chinese, Italian, Thai, Japanese, Western
cuisines and even local fare.
Each restaurant is equipped with several HP iPAQ Pocket PCs, which act
as Point of Sale (POS) terminals for all ground staff. The menus for each
of the seven restaurants are stored in the HP iPAQ and when a customer
places an order, the waiter keys it directly into the device. The Pocket PC
then sends the request wirelessly via 802.11b technology to three fixed
terminal stations within the restaurant – the kitchen, the beverage counter
and the cashier. This eliminates the need for keeping paper records of
transactions and makes the ordering process much faster.
While Tan manages the Colours by the Bay group, each restaurant is
independently owned and run. However, they all share a common vision
and more importantly, the HP iPAQ POS system.
“In our business, service is
of utmost importance and the
HP iPAQ wireless system is
so efficient that the drinks
sometimes arrive before the
waiter has finished taking the
food orders.”
Andrew Tan
Colours by the Bay
Colours by the Bay goes wireless with
the HP iPAQ Pocket PC