HP Help and Support
For detailed information on your HP iPAQ and instructions on performing common tasks, tap
Start >
HP Help and Support
. HP Help and Support provides the following information:
Serial and model numbers - provides your HP iPAQ serial number, model and product IDs, and
operating system version.
HP Quick Start Tour - provides basic information about the tasks and activities you can perform
using your HP iPAQ. As you go through the tutorial, try each feature. You can then return to the
same position in the QuickStart Tour by tapping
Start > Programs > HP Help and Support > HP
QuickStart Tour
How Do I - a list of topics and quickly explain how to perform common tasks.
Help Topics - provides a comprehensive list of help topics for the HP iPAQ.
Customer Support - provides various different sources of information about your HP iPAQ.
Asset Viewer - provides information about your HP iPAQ, including serial number, memory, version
number, display type, and wireless information.
HP Help and Support