3. Connect and route the power cords.
Connect and secure each power cord with a velcro strap. Route each cord through the rack
and plug it into an AC power source.
Install the air plenum in a power-side mounting.
If you are installing a 6600 switch with the port side facing the cold aisle, no air plenum is
necessary. Continue with Step 4.
If you are installing a 6600 switch with the power side facing the cold aisle, an air plenum is
necessary. Use the correct plenum for the size of the switch being installed. The plenum comes
in two sizes. Both plenums are installed in the same way.
J9480A is the shorter air plenum for 6600-24XG, 6600-48G, and 6600-48G-4XG Switches.
J9481A is the longer air plenum for 6600-24G and 6600-24G-4XG Switches.
Slide the plenum into the rails until the plenum is fully inserted and the two mounting holes align
with the mounting holes on the bracket and rack.
Figure 4.
Installing the Plenum
Figures 5 and 6 show different ways in which you can route a power cord through the plenum in
a power-side mounting.
Figure 5.
Routing a Power Cord Through the Front of the Plenum
In a power-side mounting, slide
the plenum into the rails.
Power-side mounting for a 6600 Switch (Option 1 or 2)
Route the power cord through the
front groove in the plenum.