Compaq Insight Manager XE
Compaq Insight Manager LC can be upgraded to Compaq Insight Manager XE.
This provides web-
based management for Compaq servers, and any HTTP, SNMP MIB-2, or DMI v2 compliant device.
The strength of Compaq Insight Manager XE lies in its ability to provide system administrators real
control through an easy-to-use industry -standards-based web interface. It’s feature rich, intuitive,
extensible, and designed to unlock the built-in manageability of Compaq hardware.
Compaq Insight Manager XE was built from the ground up as a web application to work with
industry -standard management agents. With its integrated Cluster Monitor, Compaq Insight
Manager XE provides system managers with a single monitor point for both stand-alone systems
and Compaq ProLiant Clusters with Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS). The Cluster Monitor
provides aggregated system data and presents it to administrators as a single view of their cluster
Compaq Insight Manager XE’s user interface is intuitive and packed with functionality. Accessed
from anywhere in the Intranet, systems administrators can manage devices, manage events, and
administer Insight Manager XE. Pre-configured common system views and customizable queries
and events provide out-of-box productivity. Predictive fault management and Pre-Failure Warranty
protect your storage, memory, and CPU investment.
The RestoreCD simplifies the reinstallation of the original software image in the unlikely event of
disk corruption or hard drive failure. RestoreCD contains all supported CPU languages. It will
reformat and partition hard disk drive (HDD) based on the same drive partition scheme used in the
pre-installation process. RestoreCD will include any software order, content dependencies, and/or
tweaks performed during the pre-installation process.
This web-based application maintains constant contact with Compaq and proactively notifies and
delivers the latest software, ROM images, device drivers, management agents, and Compaq utilities.
The end user subscribes by providing hardware profiles such as Armada, Deskpro, Workstation, or
ProLiant. Software updates are automatically detected at Compaq and delivered to the end user’s
local drive or network share with intuitive titles and descriptions, and organized by platform.