Hyphen (-): Volume in which the attribute is not defined.
Journal identifier when the attribute is JNL VOL. A hyphen indicates the attribute is other
than JNL VOL.
Journal ID
Information about the virtual storage machine.
Virtual Storage Machine*
LDEV ID*: Virtual LDEV ID. If a Virtual LDEV ID is not assigned to LDEV, this column is
blank. If the setting of the LDEV virtualization management is aborted, Transient is
displayed. Failed is displayed on the Status column in the Task window. Retry the same
Device Name*: Virtual device name, which is a combination of the virtual emulation
type, virtual LUSE volume number, and the virtual CVS attribute. Values of the virtual
emulation type, virtual LUSE volume number, and virtual CVS attribute appear only for
items that have been set. This column is blank when the virtual emulation type, virtual
LUSE volume number, and virtual CVS attribute are not set. If the virtual CVS attribute
is set, CVS is attached as the suffix to the device name.
SSID*: Virtual SSID. If Virtual SSID is not set for LDEV, this column is blank.
Attribute*: Virtual LDEV attribute. If the attribute is not set for LDEV, this column is blank.
Opens the Add Resources window where you can add one or more resources to the resource
Add Resources
Opens the Remove Resources window where you can remove one or more resources from
the resource group.
Remove Resources
Opens the Edit Virtualization Management Settings window where you can set the multi-array
virtualization function, and edit the virtual LDEV ID or the virtual LDEV information.
Edit Virtualization
Management Settings
Opens the Assign HA Reserves window where you can set the attribute of the High
Availability secondary volume for the selected LDEV. For details, see HP XP7 High
Availability User Guide.
Assign HA Reserves*
Opens the Release HA Reserves window where you can remove the attribute of the High
Availability secondary volume from the selected LDEV. For details, see HP XP7 High
Availability User Guide.
Release HA Reserves*
Opens a window where you can export configuration information listed in the table to a
file that can be used for multiple purposes, such as backup or reporting.
* This item does not appear in the window by default. To display this item, change the
Column Settings
of the table
Selected resource group window 221