2 Managing Virtual Storage Machine Resources
The virtual storage machine is the unit that is used to manage virtualized resources for each storage
system. For program products with multi-array virtualization functions, a virtual storage machine
is created in the storage system. For example, if nondisruptive migration is used to migrate a
storage system to HP XP7 Storage, the virtualized storage system is the migration source storage
system. The migration source storage system is created in the migration target storage system.
About virtual storage machines and virtualized resources
The following describes the relationship between virtual storage machines and a storage system.
Virtual storage machines are created with operations involving data migration or the high availability
function. Other than those operations, a user cannot create virtual storage machines in a storage
system. For information on removing virtual storage machines, see the HP XP7 RAID Manager User
Information on the virtualized resources of a virtual storage machine appears in Remote Web
Console with associated physical storage information. If the information on these resources is not
displayed by default, you can change the
Column Settings
of the table option.
For information on displaying virtualized resources, see the HP XP7 RAID Manager User Guide.
As for the information about virtualized resources, following terms appear in Remote Web Console
LDEVs that satisfy both of these conditions:
LDEVs for which virtualization management is disabled
The model name and serial number of the virtual storage
machine that manages a resource group with LDEVs is
the same as the storage system involved in the
The values of the virtual LDEV ID and the LDEV ID are
the same.
LDEVs that satisfy one of these conditions:
LDEVs for which virtualization management is enabled
The model name and serial number of the virtual storage
machine that manages a resource group with LDEVs is
Managing Virtual Storage Machine Resources