I n t r o d u c t i o n
Andrea Ciuffoli-Quang Hao
Es9038 PRO DAC -
Design by
Based on the ESS Sabre32 Reference (ES9038PRO) DAC chip
Support 44,88,96,192,352,384KHz PCM and DSD to play SACD ISO.
Full ground isolation from USB module
On board reference 100MHz Crystek oscillator with a jitter of 0.5psecUltra fast oscillator buffer
Stereo balanced output impedance: 202 / 4 = 50 ohm
Output impedance:
100 Ohm.
2-Channel (stereo) outputs can be used in current-output or voltage-output mode
(depends on output stage used)
4 inputs:
1. USB -match with Amanero USB (not included). Have pin I2C for other USB
2. Spdif
4. Optical
Digiltal supply:
1.2V core: LT3042
3.3V oscillator: LT3042
3.3V digital: LT3042
3.3V Top-botton chip
3.3V USB: LT3042 (If you not like us 3.3v from Computer for USB)
Analog supply:
1.2V analog (left and right separated): LT3042
3.3V analog (left and right separated): LT3042
5V for LCD: LT1117
5V Analog supply: LT1117
5V Digiltal supply Digiltal supply: LT1117
On-board DAC ESD9038PRO includes:
1. ES9038PRO chip.
2. Clock 100MHz CCHD-575, Ultra-Low Phase Noise Crystal Oscillator.
3. All Input connecters, Amanero USB (not included)
4. All low noise Lt3042
5. Lm1117
Use: it is simple and need:
1. Transformer 15VA to 25VA: 2 x 6 - 8VAC:
2. Use LCD Control board off Andrea-quanghao for ES9038PRO, ES9028PRO
Andrea Ciuffoli-Quang Hao
Talema 70050 or Talema 70060 Or equivalent
I n t e g r a t i o n G u i d e
Revision V1.0
The ES9038PRO SABRE DAC - Bringing Music to Life
The ES9038PRO SABRE DAC is the flagship of the ESS PRO series. It sets a new benchmark for audio
excellence with the industry’s highest dynamic range (DNR), up to 140dB, in a 32-bit, 8-channel DAC.
The ES9038PRO was designed for premium home theater equipment including Blu-ray players,
preamplifiers, all-in-one A/V receivers, and more. For serious audiophiles it provides the most
immersive listening experience — bringing music to life.
The ES9038PRO SABRE DAC also features ESS’ patented 32-bit HyperStreamDAC technology with-
122dB total harmonic distortion plus noise (THD+N). The HyperStream architecture is responsible for
both the outstanding sound quality of the ES9038 and the extremely low THD+N. A typical competitive,
32-Bit 8-Channel DAC using a delta-sigma architecture features-107dB THD+N (0.0004%), which when
subjected to listening tests does not equal the clarity and sound stage of the ES9038PRO.