Compact CAT5 Audio/Video Splitters and Receiver
In general at low and mid resolutions excellent image reproduction is
provided at up to 500 feet. At high resolution and refresh rates perfect
image reproduction can be achieved at shorter distances (see table 3.2
below). Using longer cables or higher resolution rates will still produce
an image, but the reproduction quality will be reduced.
Refresh Rate
60 Hz
75 Hz
85 Hz
500 ft
500 ft
500 ft
500 ft
500 ft
400 ft
500 ft
400 ft
350 ft
500 ft
350 ft
300 ft
Table 3.2
3.2.1 Skew compensation (applies to Model URA-SC only
Figure 3.1
As shown in figure 3.1 above, a characteristic of Category-5 cable is
that the pairs of wires are twisted at different rates inside the cable.
Therefore, for a given length of Cat-5 cable the total length of a
particular pair could be longer than others. Since the signals travel in
the cable at a fixed rate (approximately 90% of light speed), The arrival
times of signals can be skewed in a long cable (those that have to travel
farther arrive later and the corresponding image shifts to the right).
This is seen on the monitor as separation, or lack of convergence in
colors. For example a vertical white line on the screen may look to
have a red tinge on the left edge and blue tinge on the right edge.