HRW Limited
504-505, 5/F, Wai Wah Commercial Centre
Ph +852 2546 7402
6 Wilmer Street, Sai Ying Pun
Fax +852 2546 7403
HPD0440BNMR Controller, Logger, Gateway
BACnet MS/TP with Modbus RTU integration
The HPD0440BNMR may be used as a BACnet networked HVAC device or standalone; as an HMI for
control and display of multiple controllers on a local network, as a controller with high flexibility for user
configuration to suit a wide variety of control applications or as a network manager including multi-zone
annual time scheduling.
Two key features of this device:
32 register Modbus RTU 485 gateway port to allow Modbus device data to be gathered for
display, used in control applications and/or for network integration in to the wider BACnet
Eight channel data logger for local retrieval of user selected operating parameter history.
Logger channels may be individually started/stopped by local or network events (clock
schedule, function block output state, remote network object state via NIO)
The display is programmable to indicate user specific text and dynamic data points. Data points may be
adjusted directly at the LCD (parameters such as set-points, fan-speeds and manual overrides). The
text and dynamic values for each of the 32 user lines may be set as small font size or large font size.
The user push-buttons, indication LED’s and an audible sounder may be independently programmed to
suit the user application. Physical I/O points may be used in the system independently or, subject to the
version, by the internal control loops and logic blocks.
Predefined logic function blocks enable easy configuration of a variety of functions including Economy
Changeover (temperature or enthalpy), VAV Volume, Hours Run monitoring, Lead/Lag changeover and
instantaneous Power calculation (kW, BTU).
The time clock features a 365 day clock/calendar with four channel time-switch, 20 holidays (one-off or
annually recurring) and summer/winter time.
Typical Applications
Temperature, humidity, pressure, IAQ, universal
On/off, 3-point modulating, PWM (Pulse Width Modulation), step control, DX
Equipment and space monitoring (chillers, AHU’s, controlled environments)
Local User Interface, network interface, networked or standalone controller
Modbus RTU master / gateway for BACnet
Time-clock & calendar / time-switch, networked or standalone