HRW HPD0440BNMR V401 Manual 111116.doc E. & O. E. / Subject to change without notice Page 27 of 43
Each NIO has eight sub-parameters for configuration. These are outlined in the FUNCTION BLOCK
OBJECTS & SUB-PARAMETERS section on page 2 and in the illustration above. Using NIO 105 as an
- Identify the remote controller node as # 1
- Set NIO 105’s attribute as being an Analogue Input
- Identify the remote controller object instance as # 17
- For the purpose of providing Units to the NIO value, Identify the sensor type relating
to the object being read or written to
- Configure as an input – NIO 105 will take on the value of controller 1 object
instance 17
- No special value scaling required
- No other point assigned to override (digital) the NIO or provide minimum limitation
(analogue) to the NIO output
- No other point assigned to enable/disable (digital) or provide maximum limitation
(analogue) to the NIO output
Modbus Section
Enter MR to display the currently configured Modbus RTU register points, 153… 184.
Point Setting
Each Modbus register point must be configured including the Modbus device network address, the data
register address with in the device, the scaling value to match the register’s true reading and the
register data format to ensure the data is properly decoded and displayed.
All these elements are simply entered as a text string with comma (,) separators:
<Point #>
<Modbus Device Addr>
<Table #>
<Row #>
<Scaling >
(AddHi) (AddLo) (SC)
(e.g. 4 [RIR])
Following this structure point 153 above would be entered with the following text string:
If the scaling is not yet decided then the scaling value can be omitted, or value 0 which is x1, and
included later as an
command for each point that requires scaling as explained later in this
Point #
Modbus RTU
device address
Modbus device
register address
‘High’ (table #)
Modbus device
register address
‘Low’ (table row #)
Modbus device
register value
Scaling 10’s and
units multipliers
Modbus register
type (4)
BACnet priority