HRW HPE-BNSMA V401 Manual 111201.doc E. & O. E. / Subject to change without notice
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Scan SMA Network
In terminal mode any scanning of the SMA network will only occur after pressing Enter as a separate
action to any other settings. After exit from terminal mode the scanning will occur automatically.
After pressing Enter, wait for the display to refresh with read values (this may take some seconds if the
network contains many SMA devices and data points).
Find Function
If it is not clear which SMA channels are required then the
function may be used to reveal active
SMA channels. The find function uses the settings of point 4 as a start point.
Example 1: If you wish to reveal the channel detail and activity of all channels of device 1 from
Analogue Input Instant channel 1:
Example 2: If you wish to reveal the channel detail and activity of all channels of device 3 from Counter
Input Instant channel 1:
Once you have set up point 4 according your search criteria then enter
and the points from the
starting Table/Row will be sequentially displayed so you can identify live channel data relating to the
To Exit the Find sequence enter TTTTTTTT… to revert back to the normal point listing.
: When you exit the Find sequence the address/channel detail at the scanning point at which you
exit will be inserted in to the point data of point 4. Please ensure the setup of point 4 is as you require it
before Writing (W) the configuration.
When analyzing the Find data you must consider that some data may be in a different point format than
that set at point 4 starting point. The AII type as illustrated above is 1 Word data whereas there may be
2 Word data or Float4 data within a particular channel list.