WenZhou ZhengBang Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd
ZB4050LS Rev 1.1
5.the origin of the lower right corner of the multi-board
6.the origin of the upper left corner of the multi-board.
Then click “Save” to generate collating coordinates automatically.
Fig.4-2 Multi-Board Form
Fig.4-3 Edit Space
Fig.4-4 Arrange coordinate automatically
A few board have flipped 90°or other angles
import angle values in the “Flip A” item.
4-2 How to edit file
If you have a PCB original file, you only need to export the CSV coordinate file and import it into the
placement machine. You do not need to edit the placement coordinates of the component. (See 4-2-1, 4-2-2
for details)
If there is no PCB origin file, only the component coordinates can be added by the placement machine. (See
4-2-3 for details)
4-2-1 Convert PCB origin files to CSV coordinate files