Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby
and the double-D symbol are registered trademarked of
Dolby Laboratories.
Content owners use Microsoft PlayReady™ content access
technology to protect their intellectual property, including
copyrighted content. This device uses PlayReady
technology to access PlayReady-protected content and/or
WMDRM-protected content. If the device fails to properly
enforce restrictions on content usage, content owners may
require Microsoft to revoke the device’s ability to consume
PlayReady-protected content. Revocation should not affect
unprotected content or content protected by other content
access technologies. Content owners may require you to
upgrade PlayReady to access their content. If you decline an
upgrade, you will not be able to access content that requires
the upgrade.
Other trademarks, product, service and company names
mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
Some features of the product and its accessories described
herein rely on the software installed, capacities and settings
of local network, and therefore may not be activated or may
be limited by local network operators or network service
providers. Thus the descriptions herein may not match
exactly the product or its accessories you purchase.
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. reserves the right to change
or modify any information or specifications contained in this
manual without prior notice and without any liability.