Huawei Technologies Proprietary
If encryption of any kind, at any level is applied to WA1003A, all
devices such as WA1003A and user’s wireless card on the
network must comply with all security measures including: SSID,
channel, security method and encryption key’s length and value.
Encryption key can be English letters and digits. Pay attention
that the encryption key is case sensitive.
Do remember to set the encryption key.
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)
Wi-Fi Protected Access was designed to provide improved data
encryption, perceived as weak in WEP, and to provide user
authentication, largely nonexistent in WEP.
For most small networks, such as those in a small business or
home-based enterprise, WPA is the easiest way to obtain effective
network security. In the three options of WPA,
PSK String
is the
easiest to implement.