lists the specifications of the PMIB02 sensor transfer box.
Table 7-13
Specifications of the PMIB02 sensor transfer box
Sensor Transfer Box
Dimensions (W x D x H)
482.6 mm x 70 mm x 43.6 mm
7.4 Checking Environment Monitoring Cables
The EPMU02T monitoring module monitors the environment parameters collected by the
sensors in real time, and reports the alarm information to the control system. Therefore, make
sure that the connections from the sensors to the ports of the sensor transfer box, from the sensor
transfer box to the EPMU02T, and from the EPMU02T to the control system are correct.
Checking Environment Monitoring Cables in the AC-powered F02AF Cabinet
shows the connections of environment monitoring cables in the AC-powered F02AF
describes the cable connections. By referring to the cable connection
diagram, check whether the connections from the sensors to the sensor transfer box, from the
sensor transfer box to the EPMU02T, and from the EPMU02T to the control system are correct.
UA5000 Universal Access Unit
Environment Monitoring
7 EPS75-4815AF Monitoring Solution
Issue 01 (2012-08-17)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.