System Configuration __________________________________________________________________
Hubbell Power Systems, Inc.
July 1, 2022
©2022 Hubbell Incorporated
Figure 4-13. Send File to HPS/RFL GARD Pro System
Once the file has been selected click the “Browse” button to navigate to the location on your PC
and then click “Send.”
The following files appear as choices in the drop-down menu:
Whole Chassis Configuration (.ZIP):
This file contains all the settings for a complete chassis.
It can be loaded from a PC or the HPS/RFL GARD Pro system emulator to configure the Pro
PLC in one step.
System Logic Database (.TXT
This file defines the web pages that configure the system logic.
It must be loaded prior to a new logic (.EDN) loading.
System Logic (.EDN):
This file contains the system logic.
System Logic (.DSN):
This file is the ORCAD source file that is needed to edit the logic. It is
not used by the HPS/RFL GARD Pro system, it is stored on the HPS/RFL GARD Pro system so
that it can be downloaded, and edits made to the logic.
System Logic (.PDF):
This file is a printable copy of the logic schematic created from the
ORCAD source file. It is stored on the HPS/RFL GARD Pro system so that it can be downloaded
and printed.
System Logic Configuration (.ZIP):
This file contains the following files in a Zip format:
System Logic Database (.TXT), System Logic (.EDN), System Logic (.DSN), System Logic