Function description
Chapter 3
Unichiller® eo Desktop
dimensioned so that the clock can also continue to run for prolonged switch-off intervals (up to
several months). If, after extremely prolonged switch-off time, time and date have been deleted,
leaving the temperature control unit switched on for a few hours will usually suffice (no tempera-
ture control required). During this time, you can reset the time and date.
If after switching the unit off and back on again, the previously set time and date re-appear, it can be
safely assumed that the rechargeable accumulator is defective. In this case, please contact Customer
Programmable event function
The “Calendar Start” offers a programmable event function. This enables you to enter a time at
which the event is repeatedly triggered on a daily basis (until the activity in the menu is reset). 2
event types are currently selectable:
Event function “Alarm clock event”
Several acoustic signals are used.
Event function “Program event”
After selecting
“Program event”
when configuring the event function, you will be prompted for the
number of the program to be started. The program will be started automatically when the pro-
grammed event time is reached. If the temperature control unit is not active, this will also be start-
Operation via the touch screen
The entire operation is via the
[88]. These functions can be activated by tapping the
displayed text boxes/icons once. This also changes the display.
You can cancel the current dialog or dialog sequence at any time by pressing the “ESC” touch
button. When canceling a dialog or dialog sequence, it may be necessary to confirm the cancella-
tion again. When canceling a dialog sequence, settings made earlier in the dialog sequence are
discarded. Check your already carried out settings and re-enter as needed.
Display instruments
The following meters are available:
Display instruments