3.3.2 Horizontal calibration
Horizontal calibration is required when the aircraft drifts on the horizontal plane during flight.
When this happens, land the aircraft and disarm its motors. Follow the below steps to do a
horizontal/gyro calibration.
1. Place the aircraft on a completely flat surface and then follow the below calibration procedure.
Hold the left stick to the right side of its socket. Rapidly and continuously wiggle the right stick left
and right until the rear red LEDS flash alternately.
2. Calibration is complete when the LED indicators stop flashing. It is recommended that users
wait for 15-20 seconds after the calibration is completed before flying again.
3.3.3 Taking off and landing
Simultaneously pull the transmitter joysticks diagonally down-out to arm the
motors (as shown in the below figure). Pull the left joystick (throttle) upwards to
take off.
Before performing a Horizontal calibration, please make sure that all motors are
completely disarmed and that the aircraft is on a completely flat surface.
Rapidly and continuously
wiggle the right stick left and
right until the rear LEDS
flash alternately.
Hold the left stick to the right
side of its socket.
Calibration complete