A high-quality screwdriver
is required for adjusting the
carburetor. We recommend
using high-quality tools such as
those offered by HUDY.
AllEn wREnchEs
High-quality Allen wrenches
(2.0mm and 2.5mm) are
required for assembling and
adjusting the HUDY Engine
Break-In Bench. We recommend
using high-quality tools such as
those offered by HUDY.
cRAnkshAft oR piston locking tool
A crankshaft or piston locking
tool is strongly recommended
for preventing the crankshaft
from turning while installing and
tightening the propeller and
spinner. We recommend using
a locking tool from a reputable
17mm wREnch
A 17mm wrench is required for
tightening the spinner on the
crankshaft. We recommend
using tools from reputable
ElEctRic dRill
An electric drill is required to
spin the crankshaft to start
the engine. We recommend
using tools from reputable
tEmpERAtuRE gAugE (optionAl)
A temperature gauge is
useful to check the engine
temperature during the break-in