hAiRdRyER oR hEAt gun (optionAl)
A hairdryer or heat gun is
recommended to pre-heat the
engine prior to initial starting.
foil tApE (optionAl)
Self-adhesive foil tape is
recommended to cover the
engine head fins to prevent
overcooling during break-in.
The HUDY Engine Break-in Bench is pre-assembled at the
factory with the exception of the fuel tank and stands,
which must be installed before use. Attach the two plastic
support stands to the base plate using the included
flat-head screws, then attach the fuel tank to the stands
using the two button head screws and rubber grommets.
A pair of pliers is required to
connect the throttle control
rod ball-joint to the carburetor.
We recommend using a pair
of needle-nose pliers from a
reputable manufacturer.