Percent: DOTS 1-4-6
Square root: SPACE with DOTS 3-4-5
Factorial: SPACE with DOTS 2-3-4-6
Power: SPACE with DOTS 4-5
Pi: SPACE with Y
KeyCalc UK
Plus: DOTS 2 3 5
Minus: DOTS 3 6
Multiplication: DOTS 3 5
Divided by: DOTS 1 2 3 6 8
Equals: ENTER
Clear: SPACE with DOTS 3 5 6
Decimal point: DOTS 2 5 6
Percent: DOTS 4 6
Square root: Dots 1 2 3 5 6 8
Factorial: SPACE with DOTS 2 3 4 6
Power: SPACE with DOTS 4 5
Pi: SPACE with Y
Find: SPACE with F
Find next: SPACE with N
Find Previous: SPACE with P
Preview: ENTER with V
Export: BACKSPACE with E
Save a copy: SPACE with S
Insert symbol: BACKSPACE with DOTS 3 5
Insert template: ENTER with DOTS 3 5