Operati ng Instructi on Manual
V 03/2018
Loading / unloading
To avoid accidents and prevent personal injury and
material damage, it is important to adhere to the correct
sequence when loading / unloading.
It is imperati ve to pay att enti on to the safety informa-
ti on!
Do not exceed the permissible gross weight or the maxi
mum permissible drawbar load / load capacity of the
Ensure the load distributi on is correct and the load is
safely secured.
Loading / unloading the trailer without hitching
it up or supporti ng it!
The trailer could suddenly ti p over / snap open, sud-
denly start moving and crush or hit people.
Couple your trailer to the towing vehicle (car) before
loading / unloading.
If applicable, apply the hand brake.
Support your trailer with support devices (jockey wheel)
before loading / unloading.
If applicable, put wheel chocks in place.
Before loading / unloading, check that the trailer is
standing securely and cannot roll away.
Loading / unloading the trailer on a slope!
If the trailer is on a slope, the load could slip causing the trailer
to start moving out of control and crush or hit people.
Where possible, load or unload the trailer on solid / hori-
zontal ground - not on a slope.
Also use wheel chocks.
Loading beyond the cargo bed / drop sides!
Trailers which are loaded beyond the cargo bed / drop sides
pose an increased risk of accidents / potenti al danger.
The turning radius of the trailer increases when
driving / cornering - risk of accidents!
Comply with the statutory regulati ons according to
Secti on 22 “Loads” of the StVO (German Road Traffi c Act).
Do not exceed the maximum permissible values according
to StVO for protruding goods to the front / rear / side.
Make any goods protruding beyond the drop sides / cargo
bed visible.
Stepping on the cargo bed!
When stepping onto / off of the cargo bed while
loading / unloading, you could slip on wet / slippery
or dirty cargo bed and fall off the trailer.
Secure the trailer to prevent it from rolling away / snap
ping open / ti pping over.
Climb very carefully onto and off of the cargo bed - do not
jump up and down.
Clear any snow / ice before stepping onto the cargo bed.
Only tread onto and climb off of the cargo bed via the
opened tailgate.
Do not climb in over closed drop sides.
Do not climb on the mudguards / drawbar.
> 1 m
H - 49
Marking protruding goods to make them visible
Sign/fl ag (30 cm x 30 cm) or
cylindrical body (ø 35 cm x 30 cm), bright red
In Germany, goods that project over the cargo bed or
drop sides must be marked in accordance with
Secti on 22 of the StVO (German Road Traffi c Act).
Mark any projecti ng goods.
- Make use of the prescribed means for doing so.
Loading/unloading bulk goods!
The bulk goods loaded on the trailer, e.g. sand, gravel, push
against the drop sides / tailgate. The pressure of this can cause
the tailgate to snap open aft er unlocking the latches - impact risk!
Before unloading bulk goods, make sure that the load is
not pressing against the drop sides / tailgate.
If required, fi rst remove the bulk goods pressing on the
drop sides / tailgate to relieve the pressure prior to
Stand to one side when unlocking the drop sides / tailgate
– not directly in front of them.
Loading load onto drop sides!
Direct loading pressure on the drop sides can cause them to buck-
le and deform or break / snap open.
The load could slide around / ti p over and crush or hit people -
risk of accidents!
Do not load the transport goods, e.g. pipes, wooden
planks, ladders etc. onto any of the drop sides.
If necessary, remove the tailgate to transport long loads
that protrude beyond the drop sides.