Time determines the format in which the current time will display, i.e., UTC or Local.
To set Time:
1. Highlight Time.
2. Select UTC, or Local. The factory setting is UTC. If Local is selected, select Set Local to set
the clock.
3. To set local time, select am, pm, or 24
4. Scroll to select appropriate time.
Note: Only hours are adjustable.
5. Select OK to set time.
Coordinate System
Coordinate System determines the format in which your position is displayed.
To set Coordinate System:
1. Highlight Coordinate System.
2. Select appropriate coordinate format. The dd.mm.mmm setting is the factory setting. If Loran
TD’s is selected, then select Set-Up. The Loran Set Up screen displays.
3. Select the appropriate Group Repetition Interval (GRI) for your area of operation.
4. Highlight Secondary 1. Select a secondary station.
5. Highlight Secondary 2. Select a secondary station.
Note: Loran TD’s cannot be directly entered when using the waypoint menus. The position entry
options will be difficult to Latitude and Longitude when Loran TD is selected.
North Reference