Bottom Alarm
The Wide One Hundred contains an audible alarm to warn you of shallow water depths. This
alarm is adjustable from 2' to 99' of depth. To enable the alarm, simply adjust the alarm depth
using the UP and DOWN arrow buttons, and press ENTER. Whenever the depth of the water
beneath your boat is equal to or less than the selected alarm depth, a continuous alarm will
To disable the alarm, either move to deeper water, or select the Bottom Alarm menu, and press
ENTER to turn the alarm off.
Fish Alarm
The Fish Alarm alerts you to the presence of fish, or other
targets not attached to the bottom, in the water beneath your
boat. The Fish Alarm has 3 different settings which correspond
to the 3 different size fish targets shown on-screen.
To enable Fish Alarm, use the UP and DOWN arrow buttons to
adjust the size return you want to be alerted to; large fish only,
large and medium size fish, or all fish. Then press ENTER to
enable the alarm. When Fish Alarm is on, an onscreen indicator
will be shown.
Remember that it is impossible for sonar to determine if a signal
return is a fish or some other type of object or suspended
debris. Any object not connected to the bottom is normally a
fish and is portrayed as a fish symbol. The strength of the
reflected sonar signal from a target is a good indicator of the
size of the target, and the fish symbol displayed represents the
strength of the signal reflected from it.