Your car is fitted with 2 gearboxes containing 2 forward speeds and 1 reverse speed. The operating speed of
your car can be controlled by the gear lever. Pushing it all the way forward will engage forward speed on high
speed. Central position of gear lever will engage forward speed at low speed. Pushing your gear lever all the
way back will operate reverse gear in low speed.
Your car is also fitted with an
switch located under the steering wheel. Switch must be in the on
position to activate drive. In order to start your car, push gear lever forward into high speed position and place
your foot onto the accelerator.
To stop your car, simply release your foot from the accelerator and this will engage the auto brake system.
Your car is not fitted with a manually operated brake.
Your car has a large turning radius. To ensure unwanted collisions with obstacles, it is recommended that
you drive your car in a wide open area until you get fully used to its handling and steering capabilities.
steering wheel
To charge the battery, locate the Input Socket
a minimum of 12 hours and
using the car). Each charge thereafter requires a minimum charge
of 8 hours and a maximum charge of 12 hours.