Blade versatility
Flail blade
Thatch is the dense layer of clippings, roots
and stems that forms between the soil and the
base of the grass. As thatch builds up, it
prevents water, air and fertilizer from being
absorbed into the soil. This causes shallow
root development leading to vulnerability to
drought and frost. Excessive thatch also
creates an ideal environment for insects and
lawn diseases. Power-raking with flail blades
removes this thatch layer and restores your
lawn to good health. Flail blades offer the most
aggressive dethatching of all the blades
Delta blade
Delta blades were created primarily for
overseeding existing lawn. They effectively
incorporate grass seed into the soil. This is an
easy, reliable method for rejuvenating poor
lawns. The delta blade is also useful as a
vertical mower for cutting running stem
grasses and opening up the soil to oxygen,
water, nutrients and other chemicals. Delta
blades are also beneficial on slopes, terraces
and in high clay content soils where water
runoff is a problem. Blades should penetrate
the soil to a depth of 1/8" to 1/4" with a
maximum penetration of 1/2". Check your seed
bag for the manufacture’s recommended depth
of application.
Spring tine
Ideal for the established lawn that is not in need
of a complete renovation but requires
dethatching (dry-spots, fungus, etc.). Spring
tines are designed to pluck dead grass and
thatch out of the lawn without tearing or
damaging existing root structure. With the
flexible tines, the lawn is combed only 0.5 cm
into the soil, so it cannot penetrate the root
structure. Spring tines provide less aggressive
dethatching than flail blades.
Setting blade height
The blades are raised and lowered using a
depth lever on the right side of the machine.
The knob in front of the lever controls the
depth. Turning the knob counterclockwise
increases blade depth.