P/N 428668A
Temperature indicating devices
Each refrigerated storage compartment and cabinet
The temperature display of a temperature indicating
Excerpt from 1999 FDA Food Code:
Temperature Measuring Devices.
(A) In a mechanically refrigerated or hot
(B) Except as specified in ¶(C) of this section, cold or hot
be designed to include and shall be equipped with at least
one integral or permanently affixed
that is located to allow easy viewing of the device’s
(C) Paragraph (B) of this section does not apply to
not a practical means for measuring the ambient air surround-
ing the
because of the design, type, and use of the
, such as calrod units, heat lamps, cold plates,
bainmaries, steam tables, insulated
or give to store manager — do not destroy.
Each installation will be different
stocked, shopping patterns in the
department and ambient conditions
of the store. The suggested loca-
tions provided herein are possible
locations. It is the responsibility of
the purchaser / user to determine
the location within the food storage
area of the unit that best meets the
The thermometer may need to be
moved several times to find the
warmest location. Mounting options
include flexible plastic for price tag
applied to back of flexible plastic for
steel end wall, and double stick
tape. Tape must not be exposed
Questions about either code should