HCT User Guide
page 35
Copyright © 2001 HutchColor, LLC
User_Guide_43.docx 2/10/19
HCT profiles darker than IT8 profiles
Q: My HCT profile makes images look a little darker and 'flatter' (lower contrast) than my IT8 profile.
How can that be an improvement?
A: This is a normal and intentional result of the HCT having a lighter white patch and darker black
patch than a typical IT8. The HCT's extended density range creates a profile that accurately
captures the very lightest and darkest tonal values that might ever be encountered in any
original, but this means 'average' originals with less extreme end densities will at first look a little
flat. The problem disappears after setting highlight and shadow, for example with Photoshop’s
Levels control.
IT8 profiles generate more apparent contrast with less editing because most IT8 transparent
have a lower contrast (lighter black patch and darker white patch) than the HCT. While images
will often look better with no edits using an IT8 profile, but there is a real danger of losing
extreme highlight detail in extremely light image areas (for example metallic reflections) or losing
deep shadow detail in extremely high-density originals or under-exposed transparencies.
Lost catch-light detail
Q: When I scan some 35mm chromes with burnt-out highlights, why do I lose the very lightest
A: Although we work very hard to ensure the HCT’s white patches represent the lowest possible
D-min (minimum density), some originals may have an even lighter D-min, which may not be
recognized by some profiles. This may be caused by varying thickness or different plastics in the
base. You can solve this by extending the highlight range of the HCT target scan prior to making
the profile.
(See ‘Extended-range profiles.’)
Missing reference file
Q: I’ve lost the CD. How can I get a new reference file?
A: Go to
and download the file with the same number
as your target. If it’s a 35mm target, download the file whose two code numbers encompass
yours, eg. 35mm target 6018 uses reference file number ‘6000-6028’.
The software won't accept the reference file
Q: My profiling software refuses to accept (or produces bad results with) the supplied reference file.
A: Some very early reference files had an error in the file format. Corrected files were uploaded on
08/29/01. Please download a new copy of your reference file.
Which reference file?
Q: The CD that came with my HCT contains many reference files. Some produce good results but
some make awful profiles. Which one should I use?
A: Every HCT comes with a numbered sticker attached. The reference file with exactly the same
number is the only correct file for your target. Some other reference files may happen to
produce reasonable results while others will be very unacceptable. The reasonable results
indicate targets from the same batch as yours. The unacceptable ones came from a different