1. Loosen the wing nuts in the arm clamps. Open the arm, adjust the position, then tighten the wing
2. Loosen the wing nuts in the leg clamp. Insert the left and right leg into the clamp, adjust the height to
touch floor firmly, then tighten the wing nuts.
3. Loosen the wing nuts in the clamp. Move the pad clamps to proper location, then tighten the wing
4. Loosen the wing nuts in the clamp. Rotate the pad installation L-Rod to proper position, and then
tighten the wing nuts
5. Loosen the wing nuts in the clamp. Insert the cymbal installation rod to proper location, and then
tighten the wing nuts
1 Open the arm, adjust the position,
then tighten the wing nuts
2 Install the left and right leg,
adjust the height to touch
floor firmly, then tighten the
wing nuts.
4 Rotate the pad installation
L-Rod to proper position, then
tighten the wing nuts
3 Move the pad clamps to proper
location, then tighten the wing nuts
5 Insert the cymbal installation
rod to proper location, then
tighten the wing nuts