Measured values
HMG 4000
Edition 2016-03-08 - V01 R04
Part No.: 669950
7.4.7 Extended measurement
A measurement can be freely
configured here.
Measurement used as a basis
(Frequency / Pulse / Times /
(with Frequency / PWM only)
Times to be measured
(with Times only)
Scale factor
Offset value
The measured value is calculated by multiplying a basic measured value with a scaling
factor and then adding the offset value to this.
Measured value = (basic measured value x scaling factor) + offset
With a basic frequency measurement, the resolution is always set in the selected
measurement unit by Hz, with pulses by pulse, with a pulse duty factor by percent and
with times always by the second.
The offset value is always set up in the selected measurement unit. Both values can be
entered with up to 9 positions in front of and 6 positions after the decimal point.
The update rate, measurement ranges and accuracies are dependent on the basic
measured procedures used.
One particularity is with the measurement procedure "Measure frequency" or
"Measure PWN pulse duty factor". Here you can set a timeout value.
While the measured value jumps to 0 when measuring the simple frequency, the speed,
the volume flow and the pulse duty factor whose values are lower than 1 Hz, that is,
after 1 second, this limit can be set with the advanced measurement. Here frequencies
up to 0.01 H can be measured. This corresponds to a periodic time of 100 seconds.
Example of advanced measurements:
If a rotation is to be recorded with the help of a gear with 50 teeth, then 1
rotation/minute represents a measurement frequency of 50 pulses/60 seconds =
0.83333 Hz. Select Frequency as the measurement procedure, RPM as the unit, 0.83333
(RPM)/Hz as the scaling factor and 0 RPM as the offset value.