3. Priming the High-Pressure Pump:
Once water is in the solution tank, the high-pressure solution pump must be primed:
Connect the short prime hose to the solution outlet (female quick-connect on the front of the
Direct the end of the hose back into the solution tank and turn the solution pump switch to the ON
When a steady stream of water is flowing out of the hose, turn off the solution pump, remove the
hose, and proceed with the set-up procedures.
If the pump does not prime quickly, the vacuum may be used to aid priming:
Direct the end of the short prime hose into the vacuum barb on the front of the machine.
Turn on one or both of the vacuum motors
Turn on the solution pump.
Cup a hand around the hose & barb to increase the vacuum suction on the hose.
When water is flowing out of the hose, direct the hose to the solution tank and turn off the vacuum
motors to ensure the flow continues when the vacuum is removed.
When the flow is steady, turn off the solution pump, remove the hose, and proceed with machine set-
up procedures.
If the pump still does not prime, or if flow is low or unsteady, check the hose from the solution tank to the
pump (as well as the inline filter) for clogging, kinks, or restrictions. Clean or replace hose and/or filter and
repeat the priming procedure.
If you are having trouble with the pump, refer to the trouble shooting guide or contact your distributor for
advice or assistance.
Pump Prime Hose
Place end of prime hose and use
vacuum to prime the solution pump.
Keep prime hose connected and run
pump until flow is strong and steady