Model 5052RD-K ALERT2 Receiver/Decoder
HydroLynx Systems, Inc.
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The ALERT2 receive radio operates unsquelched.
3.3.2 ALERT1 Receive Radio
The tone amplitude and squelch levels are factory set.
Tone amplitude is 800 mV.
Squelch is set to -113 dB with no receiver amplifier, -106 dB with a receiver amplifier.
3.4 Front Panel LEDs
3.4.1 ALERT2 LEDs
Two LEDs on the front panel turn on when radio signals are received (BIT SYNC) and
decoded (FRAME SYNC). Both LEDs must turn on for a valid ALERT2 receive signal.
3.4.2 ALERT1 LED
The ALERT1 Data LED on the front panel flashes when ALERT1 radio signals are
received when the Model 5052RD-OP1 ALERT1 Receiver/Decoder Option is installed.
The ALERT1 radio speaker is turned on when the toggle switch is in the down position
(towards the word SPEAKER) when the Model 5052RD-OP1 ALERT1 Receiver/Decoder
Option is installed.
3.5 Input/Output
3.5.1 ALERT2 Decoder Console
The ALERT2 decoder can be programmed using the console interface. Program changes
include the IP address, NTP servers, Decoder output clients.
The console interface connection is through the back panel ETHERNET RJ45 ALERT2
network connector or SERIAL CONSOLE DB9 male serial connector. Both connections
require a login. The default login name is root with a password alert2. The login name
and password can be changed, see Section 4. Starting 2019, the default password was
changed to HydroLynx.
The console network connection is made using SSH on default port 22. This can be
changed, see Section 4.
The console serial connection is at 115,200 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, no stop bits, no
flow control. A NULL modem cable must be used for the serial connection.
3.5.2 ALERT2 Decoder Output