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our v
Front passenger seat
(VAN, Truck)
Center Seatback Console
(if equipped)
If you pull down the center seatback
console in the double passenger
seat, you can use it as a console.
Seat Lower Compartment
(if equipped)
If you lift up the cushion in the double
passenger seat and move it forward,
you can use the lower part of the
seat as a storage compartment.
Seat Warmer Burns
Passengers should pay extreme
caution while using seat warm-
ers due to the possibility of
excess heating or burns. The
seat warmer may cause burns
even at low temperatures, espe-
cially when it is used for a long
period of time. In particular, the
driver must exercise extreme
care for the below passengers:
1.Infants, children, elderly or
handicapped persons, or hos-
pital outpatients
2.Persons with sensitive skin or
those that burn easily
3.Fatigued individuals
4.Intoxicated individuals
5.Individuals taking medication
that can cause drowsiness or
sleepiness (sleeping pills,
cold tablets, etc.)