Noise emission measure according to ISO 8528-10,
EN ISO 3744, European Directive 2000/14/EC with
amendment 2005/88/EC
Model of generator set:
Sound Pressure Level: 75dB(A)
Guaranteed Sound Power Leve
Measurement Uncertainty K: 1.7dB(A)
The quoted figures are emission levels and are not
necessarily safe working levels. Whilst there is a
correlation between the emission and exposure
levels, this cannot be used reliably to determine
whether or not further precautions are required.
Factors that influence the actual level of exposure
of work-force include the characteristics of the
work room, the other sources of noise, etc, i.e. the
number of machines and other adjacent
processes, and the length of time for which an
operator is exposed to the noise. Also the
permissible exposure level can vary from county.
This information,
however, will enable the user of
the machine to make a better evaluation of the
hazard and risk.
13.2) Noise and Access