©I.CH Motion® 2020
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Owner's Guide: 3P20M Hybrid Stepper Motor Driver
Page 5
Elimination of Heat
Driver’s reliable working temperature should be <70
, and motor working temperature should be <80
Recommend use automatic idle-current reduction mode, namely current automatically be reduced to 60% when motor stops, so as to reduce
driver heating and motor heating.
5. Definition of Pin Signal
The 3P20M has two connectors, connector P1 for control signals connections, and connector P2 for power and motor connections. The following
tables are brief descriptions of the two connectors. More detailed descriptions of the pins and related issues are presented in section 4, 5, 9.
Connector P1 Configurations
Pin Function
Pulse signal: In single pulse (pulse/direction) mode, this input
represents pulse signal, effective for each rising edge; 4-5V when
PUL-HIGH, 0-0.5V when PUL-LOW. In double pulse mode (pulse/pulse) ,
this input represents clockwise (CW) pulse
effective for high level. For
reliable response, pulse width should be longer than
connect resistors for current-limiting when +12V or +24V used.
DIR signal: In single-pulse mode, this signal has low/high voltage levels,
representing two directions of motor rotation; in double-pulse mode
(set by inside J1), this signal is counter-clock (CCW) pulse, effective for
low level. For reliable motion response, DIR signal should be ahead of
PUL signal by 5
s at least. 4-5V when DIR-HIGH, 0-0.5V when DIR-LOW.
Enable signal: This signal is used for enabling/disabling the driver. High
level (NPN control signal, PNP and Differential control signals are on the
contrary, namely Low level for enabling.) for enabling the driver and low
level for disabling the driver. Usually left UNCONNECTED (ENABLED).
Notes: PUL/DIR mode is the default mode,
and under-cover jumper J1 can be
used to switch it to CW/CCW mode.