® Waves System
V 1.1 - 2009
I.D. AL - EventPlayer MP3/Wav/DMX player - User manual
In an installation where only the player is present or in a local network with external access, you must
use a Modem/Router to create a gateway between the player and the Internet.
Since the Modem/Router is configured with an IP gateway, you must declare this gateway to the
EventPlayer so that it can communicate (configured in the Option menu).
Note: The EventPlayer does not offer DHCP mode.
11.1 - Connection of EventPlayer to the Internet through an ADSL link, without
local network nor computer
Hardware required:
Event ADSL Modem / Router
Connect your player to your ADSL Modem/Router
with a RJ45 cable and connect your Modem to a
telephone jack with ADSL filter.
A - You have an IP address provided by your
service provider
Configure your Modem/Router entering the player
IP address, access data to provider (account, password …), Gateway used and the various
configurations related to your Modem. Also set the IP and Gateway of your player.
Open the FTP communication ports (21) and the HTTP ports (80) in the Modem.
On a computer connected to the Internet and a browser, type the IP address of your connection.
The window of your player should be displayed.
B - You don't have a permanent IP address
This is a solution to make your player visible over the internet without using a permanent IP address.
We suggest you to use a service provider offering "DynDNS" service. It's a dynamic DNS service
modifiable with every change in the IP of your service provider. For example, you can use the free
service on www.dyndns.org.
At first, you must open an account with a service provider and obtain your Host name, User name and
password. Caution! Your Modem / Router must have this feature.
Configure your Router Modem accordingly and validate the DynDNS option.
The principle is as follows:
When the IP address changes, the Modem sends this information to the DynDNS server. The service
immediately carries out the modification in its database to point out the new address on the host name.
Therefore, the player remains visible over the Internet even in case of change in the IP address of the
service provider or in case of a cut-off.
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