® Waves System
V 1.1 - 2009
I.D. AL - EventPlayer MP3/Wav/DMX player - User manual
00000110b (06h) :
Not used
00000111 (07h) :
Switching to USB mode. The player indicates that it goes into USB mode and is
therefore not available for playing a file.
Example of a cycle created to check the correct operation of the player by playing a file.
Preparation : The player’s number is 001
Create a directory «100 My directory» and copy into it a file «My file.mp3»
Structure of the frame to be sent to the player:
10000001 (81h) - 00000001 (01h) - 01100100 (64h)
Player number 001 + Range 0 / go to c Directory number 100
On receipt, the player sends a frame indicating start of playing:
Start playing:
10000001 (81h) + 00000000 (00h) + 00000011 (03h)
At the end of file, the player sends a frame indicating end of playing:
10000001 (81h) + 00000000 (00h) + 00000100 (04h)
13 - Reset factory
In some situations such as mistake, forgotten password, new installation, you may need to reinstall
EventPlayer with the original settings. In this case, all configurations will be erased and you will have to
set again the parameters of the Option menu as if for a new device.
To carry out a reset factory and erase all the settings in order to restore them to the default values:
1 - The player must be switched-off
2 - Press the button "2" on the front panel and keep it pressed
3 - Switch on the player
4 - As soon as the message "factory reset" appears on the screen, release the button and wait
5 - When the reset process is completed, the usual welcome message is displayed
6 - Enter the Option menu to configure the elements you wish, like time and date.
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