® Waves System
V 1.0 - 2013
I.D. AL - MicroPlayer mkII - Wav MP3 Audio player - User manual
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1 - Présentation
MicroPlayer MKII reads WAV and MP3 audio files. This standalone player can read files automatically
according to a broadcast schedule or upon triggering by external events (input dry contact, RS232,…).
Files are stored on a SD/SDHC memory card or on a USB flash drive.
MicroPlayer MKII broadcasts music, sounds or messages in many environments like museums,
showrooms, shop windows, attractions,touristic places, exhibitions..
2 - Functionalities
MicroPlayerMKII is an interactive player that reacts depending on events.
- Playback pattern is defined by the name of files or folders
- Electrical contacts: 4 inputs combinable up to 15 inputs to trigger files through sensors, push-
buttons,relays …
- 2 outputs can control Leds, relays, motors or any other external equipment thanks to Mosfet up to
500mA switch.
- Commands through the RS232 serial link. A simple protocol is used to send instructions to the player.
- Infrared sensor allows the use of a remote control.
MicroPlayer MKII starts automatically on powering on. This function is configurable and can
be disabled.
The audio files stored on a SD/SDHC memory card - USB flash drive can be organized in a
particular way to define playback pattern. The playback pattern is defined by the names of the files and
the folders, allowing a wide flexibility of use.
Audio output:
2 types of output are proposed.
- A line level stereo audio output on a RCA standard connector
- An amplified stereo output on a removable terminal block (RTB).
Power supply:
A 12v external power supply is required.
The player is protected against polarity reversals and against usage, by mistake, of an alternative power
supply instead of the D.C. power supply provided.
Caution! The player can accept a tolerance of the power supply voltage between 10 & 15V. Apart from
this voltage range, the player can be damaged.
The input supply is transferred to the RS232 connector and the output terminal (RTB) to supply the
connected accessories.
The power of the PSU determines the output power of the amplifier. When a line level output is used , a
500mA (6w) power supply is adequate to run on the player. When the amplified output is used for large
powers, a supply of at least 3,45A(45w) is obligatory. If you use a PSU of an inferior power, you can
have a very poor sound and also a overheating PSU till broken down.
Serial link RS232:
MicroPlayer MKII can be controlled by a PLC, a computer, a remote control using a
serial link. MicroPlayer MKII receives data on its Rx input and sends datas on its Tx output. A specific
protocol is described in this manual.