[Max bit rate (per client)*]
Select an H.265 (or H.264) bit rate per a client from the following.
64kbps/ 128kbps*/ 256kbps*/ 384kbps*/ 512kbps*/ 768kbps*/ 1024kbps*/ 1536kbps*/ 2048kbps*/ 3072kbps*/
4096kbps*/ 6144kbps*/ 8192kbps*/ 10240kbps*/ 12288kbps*/ 14336kbps*/ 16384kbps*/ 20480kbps*/
24576kbps*/ –– FREE ENTRY––
When “–– FREE ENTRY––” is selected, the bit rate can be freely entered in the available range.
Stream(1): 3072kbps*
Stream(2): 2048kbps*
Stream(3): 768kbps*
Stream(4): 768kbps*
* The range of bit rates that can be configured for H.265 (or H.264) bit rates differs depending on the
“Transmission priority” and “Image capture size”.
When “Constant bit rate”, “Frame rate”, or “Best effort” is selected for “Transmission priority”
180, 640x360, QVGA and VGA: 64kbps - 4096kbps*
1280x720 and 1280x960: 128kbps* - 8192kbps*
1920x1080: 256kbps* - 12288kbps*
2048x1536: 512kbps* - 16384kbps*
When “VBR” is selected for “Transmission priority”
180, 640x360, QVGA, and VGA: 64kbps - 12288kbps*
1280x720 and 1280x960: 128kbps* - 12288kbps*
1920x1080: 256kbps* - 24576kbps*
2048x1536: 512kbps* - 24576kbps*
The bit rate for “Stream” is restricted by “Bandwidth control(bit rate)” on the [Network] tab on the
“Network” page (
“3.10.1 Configure the network settings [Network]”). When a value with “*” attached
is set, images may not be streamed.
It is recommend that the bit rate setting of the stream to be 8192 kbps or lower. Setting a value higher
than 8192 kbps may cause abnormalities in the continuity of the recorded video.
When the refresh interval is too short, the actual bit rate may exceed the set bit rate depending on the
Depending on the number users connecting at the same time or the combination of features used, the
bit rate may be lower than the configured value. Check the transmission of images after changing
[Image quality]
Select the image quality of H.265 images from the following.
For “Constant bit rate”, “Frame rate”, and “Best effort”:
Low(Motion priority)/ Normal/ Fine(Image
quality priority)
0 Super fine/ 1 Fine/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5 Normal/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9 Low
[Smart Coding] - [Smart VIQS]
Maintains high image quality in the areas containing heads, people, cars, and motorcycles and low or medium
image quality in other areas while reducing the transmission data volume.
Does not use “Smart VIQS”.
Maintains high image quality in the areas containing heads, people, cars, and motorcycles and
low image quality in other areas while reducing the transmission data volume.
Operating Instructions
3 Detailed Settings