The co-botic
45 keeps on cleaning for up to 180 minutes. When the battery is
almost empty, the machine can return to its starting point before it runs out of
battery. When working with 2 batteries, the machine can operate 24/7. Bonus: it
can even be used overnight in dark areas without any trouble.
The cleaner can create their own cleaning routes for the co-botic 45 via the co-
botic app. Alternatively, the co-botic 45 can program itself to perform the most
efficient cleaning job for the desired area. You can use it in all kinds of hard floors
rooms, glossy or rough floors. Also, if the path of the co-botic 45 is blocked it will
come back later to clean the missed spot.
The co-botic 45 is programmed to clean as precisely and efficiently as possible.
Every bit of energy is used for cleaning - nothing is wasted. While the co-botic 45
only consumes 240W in one hour, alternative robots can consume up to 1000W
per hour. Furthermore, it saves as much water as possible while still remaining the
i-mop known and proven cleaning performance.
Because the co-botic 45 is battery-powered, there are no cables involved. There is
also no need for a charging or refill station. This instantly reduces the risk of
tripping and falling hazards. Furthermore, the co-botic 45 will leave the cleaned
floor immediately dry to reduce slipping hazard. By setting virtual boundaries in
the app, the cleaner can rely on the co-botic 45 to stay within the designated
areas. Additionally, the automatic cliff detection feature prevents the co-bot from
falling off stairs or other elevations...
…and BETTER for everyone!
Combining the i-team co-botic performance with the trained human eye, the co-
botic 45 gets the most out of your cleaning operations and needs. The cleaner
and the co-bot make a perfect team, and will never miss a spot. They each execute
the cleaning they can do best, simultaneously and side-by-side.
Original user manual, written in the English Language
Future Cleaning Technologies B.V.
Hoppenkuil 27b, 5626 DD Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Telephone: +31402662400
Email: hello@i-teamglobal.com
Internet: www.i-teamglobal.com
Model: co-botic 45
Date: 05/2023
Product code:
Version: v.02
Model year: 2023