Installation > Connecting Alarm I/O
Revision: 180906
Veo16i User Manual
Page | 13
To connect an alarm input/sensor to your Veo16i DVR,
Connect the signal line of an alarm input device such as a sensor to the [ALARM IN] port.
1. Loosen the screws on both the alarm input port and [GND] port of the pre-installed 10P terminal
2. Insert one end of alarm signal cable through the [AO1] or [AO8] terminal hole below the screw
hole, and then fasten the screw.
3. Insert the ground signal wire into the hole of the [GND] port and tighten the screw. To ensure
secure connection, gently pull on the cable.
4. To disconnect a cable, push the bottom side of the terminal and pull the cable out.
To connect an alarm output/control to your Veo16i DVR,
Connect the signal line of an alarm output device to the [RELAY] port.
1. Loosen the screws on the [NO] and [NC] ports and the [COM] port of the provided 9P terminal
2. Insert the alarm signal wire into the hole of the [NO] or [NC] input port and tighten the screw.
3. Check the relay output type of your device - Normal Open or Normal Close - before connecting
it to the appropriate port (NO or NC).
NO (Normal Open): Normally Open. Switches to Close when alarm occurs.
COM: Insert the grounding wire.
NC (Normal Close): Normally Close. Switches to Open when alarm occurs.
4. Insert the ground signal wire into the hole of the [COM] port and tighten the screw. You can also
connect the signal cable of the alarm output device to the [ALARM OUT] port on the rear panel.
5. Loosen the screws on the [AO1] and [AO8] ports and the [GND] port of the provided 9P terminal
block plug.
6. Insert the alarm signal wire into the hole of the [AO1] or [AO8] input port and tighten the screw.
7. Insert the ground signal wire into the hole of the [GND] and tighten the screw. To ensure secure
connection, gently pull on the cable.
8. To disconnect a cable, push the bottom side of the terminal and pull the cable out.