1 A message welcoming you appropriately according to the time of day
2 Current date and time
3 Current sensor data - refreshes every 5 second
4 Connection status (green is connected, red means not connected)
5 Current air quality index - refreshes every 5 seconds
6 The i3CAIR app stores sensor data for 7 days. Via this menu (horizontal tabs) one can consult
the 7-days rolling data of the air quality index or the data from each individual sensor.
Clicking on a tab will display the graph of the past 24 hours.
7 Time range along with the type of sensor that was chosen
8 Day of the week when the measurements were stored - clicking on the arrows will
move to the past/next 24 hours
9 Air quality index of the day chosen day (identical to point 8.). This index is calculated
on all data captured during that particular day.
10 Graph - touching the graph will provide you detailed information of the data measured
at that point in time.