IAG Performance | 1203 Baltimore Blvd. Westminster, MD 21157 | Ph: 410-840-3555 | www.iagperformance.com
48. Locate the 1” breather line and route it down the
passenger side transmission tunnel starting behind the
firewall ac lines. Push the line down as far as it can go. You
may need to get under the car to help guide the hose.
Attach the upper portion of the line to the upper AOS vent
port and secure it with a zip tie trimming the excess.
49. Place the vehicle on a lift or on jack stands, route the
remainder of the 1” breather line under the transmission
cross-member and along the side of the transmission.
Make sure the line is free of any kinks and secure the line
to the transmission cross member as shown using an 11”
zip tie. Snip the excess off the zip tie off.