Designed to provide the optimal amount of ionization to actively clean the air in a home or business
environment and provide feedback through a closed contact closure. The Ion Kit will alarm if the ionization has
stopped working in your HVAC system. This allows you to correct any issues immediately, ensuring that you
will always have the comfort of knowing that the air in the space you live or work in is always being cleaned.
Ion Kit comes with ionization modules, sensing devices, a transformer for larger kits and feedback through a
set of dry contacts to tell you the system is working. In a standard indoor air environment, size the Ion Kit to
perform at 2500 CFM per block. However, if you are in a smoking or a fried food environment, each ionization
block will only do 1,250 CFM/block.
Be sure to size your ionization system properly. The recommended kit size based on rooftop tonnage can be
found on the following page
ION Kit Overview
(provided by contractor)
- Wire cutters / strippers
- Screwdriver (small flathead and philips)
- Needle nose pliers
- Drill with 5/16 nut driver bit, step bit and 1/2” drill bit for temperature probe holes
- Wire (thermostat wire) for VOC, CO2, ion generator, optional humidity, optional transformer, optional BACnet
translator, optional actuator and/or mod power exhaust.
Hardware Included with controls package
(not shown on pg. 4). Reference pg. 4 for major components.
- Wire connectors (6)
- Screws (40 self tapping)
- Wire ties (5)
Tools/Parts Required